Map Reading – Activity

May 2020

From the image or from a printed version of the attached PDF please find the 6 digit map references for the following :

  1. Train Station
  2. Railway Tunnel ( map reference for both ends)
  3. Telephone
  4. Car Parking (x3)
  5. Road with a Gradient
  6. Nature Reserve
  7. Falconry Centre
  8. Moat
  9. Sailing Club
  10. A County Boundary where it crosses the River Chater
  11. A National Cycle Network route number
  12. Find three other interesting locations you might want to share

Remember we need the 6 digit map reference for each – X axis first then Y so the disused Airfield in the bottom right hand corner would be 941 047 for the A

Please email me your answers / upload them to badges at home and be prepared to share your 3 interesting finds.

The following pdf is a explanation of the OS symbols top help you/

This map comes from the Ordnance Survey website . If you like maps then the 7 day trial is worth taking out and you can explore the country by map at least.

There are other activities to take part in here

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